studio visits

a pause since my last post, yet
much is happening

video takes in the studio and short interviews made...
two critics, and Raffaele-abstract painter now showing at the Castello di Carlos, and the Director of Scaramuzza Galleria, all have come to the studio to view. All have offered thoughtful commentary and valued suggestions.
My days are sliding into such a good rhythm of working.  This solitary time has been just amazing.
I realize the importance of this quality time.  Learning to adjust to open ended schedules, uncertain outcomes, 
and this is good,
allowing an other kind of Time to roll with,
 of quieter pulses in which to
to the deeper stratas of 'place'.

 A whole, or pieces of inner landscapes forming.
The deeper conversations, and sharing have been mostly with myself, 
and in the studio these expressions are allowed, 
and circulate  
the long stretches of time in my working space.

notebook II

this    to   this

... i see the mirror image

my daughter has now claimed this black study...she FB me!
 Michela e Paola
 and Gaida - video artist and musician

T o r n  Vignettes
starting to tear the drawings into strips . the white of the edges work . a layer . 3 vignettes

 these beautifully constructed books give 
 'structure' to the fragmented - torn  - lucid drawings
and in this sequence they have more meaning

Magna Graecia  
Puglia . itlian
 Apulia . greek
 of erosive tones, of architecture, stone and history
nature to seeing

 the backdrop of 
 of gradations 
of other intimate spaces in land, scapes and colour -

extreme in 
 yet a soft tear
