Via Terra . tilling cycles

on a mission - 6km ride to Martano
 new seedlings and shades of freshly tilled soil along the way.  I miss being in mine and this helped fill the need!   

these beds continue between the groves!
 sun lowers
 second cycle of the day 
 a prime time in
distinct shadows and light . a sharpness wraps on to land
    the elements
 like a tincture,
ripening her day
  before the night begins
 between trees - a turning cycle 
of earth
a recipe of colour
Burnt Sienna . Deep Red . Mars Black . Alizarin Yellow-Deep and a touch of Pearl White 

the land here belches stone and rock continually . a slower surge and rotation from within Terra 
for all the many centuries of tending and cultivating the lands here, local farmers unearth boulders from their land and seems
 every season another pile to display
here shows the slow rise of penetrating rock . a particular signature of this land
  An old man, late 70's hand plows this field . stacking these stones 
his, is a strong frame with a natural bend - forward - when he walks . his body fashioned from years of working here.

from this ...  
to this...
to this!

 contrasts of white & rock
 in surrounds of grays & scored trunks 
and is desert in feel

 a stunning new home built from stones 
 All Souls Day 
 and many are queuing at flower shops to purchase their bundles, to place at the headstones of loved ones
honor the ancestors 
