Yesterday evening I decided to stay home, poured myself a tall glass of chilled red wine. Grabbed my book: A Fine Balance and walked up two flight of stairs. Perched myself on the rooftop, there a perfect place to be in the kinda of mood I was feeling. Such enjoyment in the late afternoon breeze. A sense of content combined with a bit of contemplation, but in those moments that followed, hearing the wafting conversations from below I could feel the edge between being alone but not in any way lonely.
Across the road, below me the elder ladies gather in the neighborhood. To my right I see the pale full moon rising low on the horizon, against the blue skies of 3:30pm - this an early moon rise. I knew I could last a long while here, until the mosquitos arrived at around the 5pm hour...
This place is growing on me daily. Encountering the many facets and subtle ways of place...and it is a slow pace. Not on my terms but through a whole other internal process I am not completely aware of. I am a guest here and am mindful of this.
Next morning into the village for a pastry and cappuccino. Rafe was there sleeping on his corner!! Though he seemed so old and stiff. After a long bike ride into the country side I am feeling happy in the returning.
Into the studio~
Found a small stack of left over art paper... thank you to the previous artist who left these in the studio!! Feeling freer and more at home. Now working on the first of about 20 - 20cm x 68cm stripes of paper. Onward to these larger ink narratives

Across the road, below me the elder ladies gather in the neighborhood. To my right I see the pale full moon rising low on the horizon, against the blue skies of 3:30pm - this an early moon rise. I knew I could last a long while here, until the mosquitos arrived at around the 5pm hour...
This place is growing on me daily. Encountering the many facets and subtle ways of place...and it is a slow pace. Not on my terms but through a whole other internal process I am not completely aware of. I am a guest here and am mindful of this.
Next morning into the village for a pastry and cappuccino. Rafe was there sleeping on his corner!! Though he seemed so old and stiff. After a long bike ride into the country side I am feeling happy in the returning.
Into the studio~
Found a small stack of left over art paper... thank you to the previous artist who left these in the studio!! Feeling freer and more at home. Now working on the first of about 20 - 20cm x 68cm stripes of paper. Onward to these larger ink narratives
Trust & Flow series
taped these papers to the wall... and worked leaped into them
decided to create boxes for the wood sculptural paintings. These boxes, the packaging for the tubes of paint. I have gessoed them... could be very interesting...
do i present these pieces in a confined space...or else display them in an open field of white wall space.. I know they could hold their own?!
i may do both.. display them both ways on the walls
then at 3:30 we are all off to the beach.. San Foca and beyond: my first swim.. Devine!
beautiful Paola and Angela
a diving place and i am tempted!