via Pablo Neruda ride

the first rain drops early evening and hearing the distant thunder, as predicted. I have just returned from exploring the country roads on bike. Solento has had severe droughts this summer, these rains a welcome break for the locals. I noted the number of olive trees drying up, folks here say this is unusual.  Olive trees have weathered the droughts of the past.  
A certain scent from the first rains the air a kind of peppery-sweet fragrance combined with the soil touching moisture. 

Along the way... I passed Pablo Neruda and wondered if he ever had a place here?

beautiful old structures among many olive groves
... took this photo then turned to my right and found it's mate standing close in the tree, and in the same gesture I continued this direction, thinking what amazing road markers along the way at sunset... connecting with the day, the death, the land
claude, can we build one of these on our land?
