days are cooler thankfully. now motivated to work longer hours...
into the studio early this morning... deadend with the oils works of late, so drawn to do more ink narratives and working out how best to display them.. anything goes at this stage of exploration. observing inks washes are becoming more painterly... I can't do enough of these!
the one book I regret not having is John O'Donahue.. his words would be welcomed now, a great companion during these solitary days and hours. I was reminded of him today by a friend.
the one book I regret not having is John O'Donahue.. his words would be welcomed now, a great companion during these solitary days and hours. I was reminded of him today by a friend.
these pieces may work best within the box
this sequence a favourite. thinking 'motherwell, frankenthaler, gimblett, gorky, yet mine.
working with blues... and it's working
from the notebook 3
a daily practice to start with ink - lucid sketches - to draw!
composing a trilogy: they are like musical notes for me and hold a visual resonance . challenge is figuring out the particular sequence - seeking a visual theme to uncover (or discover) ...the bolt from the blue
they are compelling together and have a quality of surprise
these wood pieces now are taking on a painterly feel.. and look even better displayed on top of the primed boxes.. so rethinking to display as follows and alternate the horizontal vs the vertical.. this becomes an installation - in whole - as well
pieces & wholes
the aim: to compliment the larger oil works